So, let's read views of some people or organisation who have either contributed or experienced about the menses. 

Julia From Poland
Sarika Gupta 09-07-2019

I got my first period at the age of 13, which was quite late comparing to my friends. I was really excited to get it and I talked about it with my schoolmates so I thought I will be prepared to finally “become a woman”. The first time was actually terrible. My first period was painful and woke me up at night. I knew what was...

Why You Should Track Your Period
Regina Forster 07-04-2020 

Periods are a vital part of any woman’s life, so it’s important to know when they’re happening. Not only will tracking your period help you detect any irregularities, but it’ll also help you anticipate any symptoms—from headaches to mood swings. After all..

Alinda Gupta 20-11-2018

While the hall buzzed with enthusiastic conversations amongst boys and girls, SafeNHappy Periods held a workshop at IIT Bombay. Invited by AEVENUE, Sarika Gupta looked upon a class of more boys...

The Whispers Are Being Heard
Team GiveHer5  17-11-2020

The whispers catch your attention. You turn around to see where the murmurs are coming from. But the sound is gone. Once you leave, they start again – always speaking but barely audible. They hide in the shadows, afraid to come out in the open; afraid to make a... 

Yasemin Daldal from Istanbul, Turkey
Sarika Gupta 22-06-2018 

It is important to be at peace with yourself. It is important to feel confident in your own body. Most of all, it is really important not to be ashamed of something you are biologically programmed to have.
Upon my arrival in India, I learned a lot about its food, its culture, and some of its traditions. But I have to say, I was really surprised to learn how menstruation was perceived. For me and my friends...

It's Very Upsetting that they think 3p will make the difference
Heidi Stedeford 05-01-2021

Nearly everyone was adversely impacted by the pandemic in 2020. Many individuals and families felt an unexpected squeeze on expenses, from weightier gas and electric bills from more time spent at home, childrens’ time away from school creating bigger food bills and lack of access to free school meals for much of the year, to one’s mental checklist...

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