Why You Should Track Your Period

Regina Forster 07-04-2020 

Periods are a vital part of any woman’s life, so it’s important to know when they’re happening. Not only will tracking your period help you detect any irregularities, but it’ll also help you anticipate any symptoms—from headaches to mood swings. After all, the average American woman experiences around 450 periods in her lifetime—that’s a lot of medical history that needs recording.

But there’s more to it than that. Here are some more reasons why every woman should track their period:

Lets you plan activities around it

Periods are a natural part of life; we know this. However, it helps to have some semblance of control over them. Rather than having your period unexpectedly ruin a night out or get in the way of a beach trip, a tracker can tell you (almost) exactly when your period is going to come, which will allow you to plan your holidays, travels, and busy days around that time of the month.

Helps make accurate diagnoses

Instead of manually writing your experiences in a journal, it’s highly recommended to use period tracking apps. In fact, this type of technology is becoming increasingly popular in the healthcare industry. Maryville University highlights the growing inclusion of informatics in healthcare to complement public health initiatives and better understand the human body. This is why many apps and tech solutions are designed to pool patient data. A study by the University of Granada explains that menstrual apps are effective in helping women get to know their bodies a little better, since you log in your symptoms and can then determine if certain pains (like cramps) are period-related or something more serious.

Lets you know when to double your workouts

Syncing your diet plans and exercise routines with your period tracker can also help you maximize your fitness goals. Health columnist Emma McGowan writes that around two weeks after your period, your body produces more estrogen, which then increases the amount of energy in your body. However, once week three hits, both estrogen and progesterone increase, boosting your body’s ability to use fat for fuel. This means that weeks two and three post-period are the perfect days to burn some weight.

Avoid unplanned pregnancies

The woman’s body is fertile for an average of six days, according to medical specialists on Planned Parenthood. This includes the five days before you have your period and the day itself that you have your period. Of course, there’s still the possibility of pregnancy a day or two after your cycle, though the chances are lower. Though it’s not a very reliable way to avoid pregnancy, knowing your “safe” days may still help.

The menstrual cycle is not an on/off type of condition. Even if you’re not on your period, you can experience things like fluctuations in your sex drive, tiredness on some days, and even unexplainable mood swings at random intervals. Having a period tracker can help you understand a lot of things about yourself and make your life easier. 

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