No Hesitation , Full Sanitation


~ Menstruation has always been surrounded by taboos and myths that exclude women from 
   many aspects of socio-cultural life. We want to challenge these beliefs, bust the myths and 
   remove the stigma surrounding the same.
~ We, Team MSVG, believe to break the stack of barriers that are still tied in many parts of the
~ Our objective is to provide an ergonomic platform that is easily accessible.
~ We will be providing a menstrual tracker, tips, advice from various verified sources, and
   answer to frequently asked questions.
~ Historically people hadn't wanted to talk about menstruation as it's been deemed an area
   of significant embarrassment. The first thing, we want to achieve is to get the conversation
~ We realize the importance of this aspect of female health and hope that our platform will 
    encourage people to discuss this topic and whet their appetite to learn more.


The Menstrual Calendar
Simplicity and minimalism

The Care4U period tracker is a easy to use planner to keep your dates in check.

The Essentials
Low on supplies ?

Never be low on the must have commodities during your periods, you can buy them from the easy to access Amazon platform.

Let's catch others

 Let's read some more views about the menses and get to know 
others experience.


Maharshi Vashistha
Vanshika Sood
Garima Gupta
Sandesh Bansal

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